For most of us, unsurprisingly, elevator eyes are a bad thing. They’re that not-so-subtle reminder that we don’t own matching socks, forgot to shave our legs, and (once again) threw on our sister’s hand-me-down dress. For Jordan Foster, however, they are not only a compliment, but an expected greeting and mark of a job well done. We’ve found ourselves, on countless occasions, ogling her clients and employing the otherwise dreaded double E at the sartorial symphonies she conducts — but upon meeting Jordan, our vertical scanning gazes turned into unabashed wide-eyed awe.
She’s the type of person who can both style a leather belt like an origami master and immediately make you comfortable enough to change in front of her whilst juggling a baby and host of celebrity clients. Though her work is mainly on the red carpet, Jordan is refreshingly down to earth (stars, they're just like us!) and conducts most of her fittings out of the Vogue-rivaling closet in her own apartment (set to the soundtrack of Miley Cyrus’s latest album). If we had to choose one takeaway from our entire encounter, it would be that the world needs more Jordan Fosters (and we need a new wardrobe).
Name: Jordan Foster
Title: Stylist
Title you would give yourself: Stylist and Mom
What did you want to be growing up? A singer
What do you still want to be when you grow up? A mom with a career I love and life I am proud of
What gets you out of bed in the morning? My son waking up! Or an early morning appearance that I get a client ready for.
What gets you into bed at night? Knowing I'll be waking up and doing it all again so I need my rest. Also my bed is very, very, very comfortable!
Where is your favorite place? In day to day life....my bedroom. In the world.....honestly anywhere I can be with my husband and son and be offline and relaxed, just spending time together.
What makes you laugh? My husband, Tom makes me laugh more than I even want to. He is the silliest person I know, bordering on annoying at times but his humor and carefree personality keep our entire family sane.
What’s on your bucket list? Traveling to South America. I've never been!
What is your favorite book? Recently.....I just finished Bad Blood and it was SO interesting. In my whole life......The Fountainhead.
Favorite piece of art? This is ever changing but I fell in love with Monet's "Woman With a Parasol" when I was in elementary school and I am always happy and calm when I look at it (sadly never in real life!). I even tried to recreate it...it was awful....my mom still has it.
Favorite past time? Cooking. I honestly don't do it very often but when I do I always remember how much I enjoy it....and how much there is to learn.
How do you stay motivated? My son and my husband. I want to make them proud. I also always want to contribute financially to my family for them and for myself.
Who is someone you admire or look up to and why? Definitely my former bosses Meredith Melling and Valerie Macaulay. They mentored me for many years and taught me a work ethic I didn't even know I had. They are the most hardworking and chic women I know. Running their own business and being mothers to a total of 6 kids between them!
What’s the best advice you’ve received?To follow the Four Agreements.
What does balance mean to you? Balance is a mystery to me! I suppose I feel balanced when my clients are taken care of and happy and I can go out to dinner with some friends and some wine and relax. I don't think I ever really find balance with motherhood....it's a constant struggle.
What’s your favorite AUrate piece? The Midi Gold Bar Anklet! I think an anklet is so simple and sexy.
What're your guilty pleasures? 90 Day Fiance. Definitely.
What're your summer escapes? It's different every summer depending on work but this summer my family will be in England for 5 weeks. My husband is English and we are going to spend quality time with his family this summer. All in the hopes that our son will say his first words with an English accent!
When it comes to jewelry, what's your approach? Lots of delicate pieces. I love to layer rings and necklaces but nothing that is bulky or can only be worn on its own. I acquire new jewelry often and I don't like having to pick and choose. I want to wear it all, all the time!