We admit we have many vices. Way too much coffee, any dessert every created, sleeping in, reality tv, the list goes on. Among them, however, is the particularly gluttonous pastime of outfit envy. Don’t lie, you’re just as guilty as we are. We can spend hours in the black hole of red carpets, tucked between the glossy pages of the latest fashion magazine, and falling into the fox den of celebrity Instagram style. So we decided to go to the source of our downfall, the stylist herself, to properly scold her for helping us spend hours soaking in the effortless looks she tirelessly pulls together. Instead, we ended up -- dare we say it -- caught in Jamie Frankel’s refreshingly friendly web.
First, we’d like to get out of the way that Jamie is, as you would expect, always dressed to the nines. She’ll make your casual Friday into a W magazine shoot with the snap of her fingers. Second, we’re pretty sure she’s a human ant. She can carry 100x her weight in clothing to five shoots at the same time blindfolded with her hands tied. Third, her cheekbones are annoyingly real and contour-free. Fourth, her demeanor is as light as she makes the 10,000lb garment bag she’s carrying seem and, regardless of said bag, she will most likely go in for the hug you needed.
Name: Jamie Frankel
Title: Wardrobe Stylist & Brand Consultant
Title you would give yourself: Professional Schlepper
What you wanted to be growing up: A violinist, but that didn’t quite pan out.
What you still want to be when you grow up: A person who knows how to cook would be nice. Then again, who wants to be completely and entirely grown up?
What gets you out of bed in the morning: Coffee and contacts.
What gets you into bed at night: I need to have an organized space when I go to bed. Handling wardrobe every day, my mind is only at ease when everything is in its proper place at work and at home. Also, Alexa’s Ocean Waves.
Your favorite place: New York City. It’s a beautiful, highly and intensely-functioning mess. It breeds opportunity, acceptance, diversity, creativity and challenge. A pain in the ass at times, but never boring.
What makes you laugh: Tangents, alter-egos, witty one-liners, stupid dance moves, banter, brutal honesty.
Your favorite book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
How you stay motivated: For me, especially as a freelancer, staying motivated means staying open — to new projects, ideas, people; continuing to learn and grow.
What’s the best advice you’ve received: When I was a kid, my mom always told me to, “be nice and make them feel welcome” if there was a new student or someone being outcasted, etc. It was so simple, but it’s stuck with me throughout my life and into my career. I actually began in public relations before I started styling and we joke that it was because of that line. I do believe that at any level, making people feel comfortable and being empathetic goes a very long way in every aspect of your life….I’ve also heard Karma’s a bitch.
What balance means to you: I’m a Libra so it’s important for me to find a balance and flow. The scales may not be entirely equal, one side being work work work work work, the other, allowing myself to fully be in the moment and disconnect from all the noise of an ultra-precarious 2019 world. In the center are friends and family who hold it all together. And a hot yoga class every once and while.
What being a woman in this industry means to you: Amazingly, the fashion industry has an overflow of smart, talented, powerful, strong women - I feel honored to be part of such a female-driven sector and also a responsibility to support, respect and lift each other up whenever possible.
Your favorite AUrate piece: The Large Diamond Pendant Necklace! I love the 90’s mom vibe the (ethically sourced:) gold prong setting gives off.
**Jamie wears the Diamond Infinity Pendant