It’s no secret (hopefully) that, here at Aurate, books are an integral part of our lives. When it comes to words, we’re avid email readers, newspaper skimmers, blog wanderers, salacious gossip column digesters, and - most importantly - book givers. With each purchase of gold we give a book to a child in need, in an effort to bolster her/his education and pass along the feeling of getting lost between the pages of a well-loved spine. We considered ourselves pretty passionate about our cause. That was until we met Aemilia Madden.
You may, as we did, know her as the Senior Fashion Editor at The Zoe Report (one of the many places where we lose ourselves in words) where she oversees, writes, edits, and puts her magic touch on just about everything. We were thrilled, surprised, and downright delighted, though, to uncover Aemilia’s other passion: books (along with mezcal margaritas and our Diamond Stacker Ring). Thanks to Aemilia, we now have our summer reading list, and now just need an invitation to join her book club!
Name: Aemilia Madden
Title: Senior Fashion Editor
What did you want to be growing up? An archeologist and actress — at the same time
What do you still want to be when you grow up? Curious, kind, adventurous.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? The thought of an iced coffee.
Where is your favorite place? My family's property near Napa, The Petrified Forest. It's been a business run by women in my family for over 100 years.
What makes you laugh? I'd describe myself as fairly lighthearted, so lots of things. My dad sending me weird text messages, my friends teasing me, memes, The Office. I laugh my way through most days.
What’s on your bucket list? I took Piano through my early teenage years, and it's on my bucket list to get back into it.
What is your favorite book? I have so many! When I first moved to New York, I started a book club as a way to bring the many talented women in my life together to not only read and discuss a book, but to have quality time together. We've read many books that I've enjoyed: A Little Life, The Goldfinch, Becoming by Michelle Obama, Slouching Towards Bethelehem. I also love Jane Eyre and The Red Tent (I have a thing for period pieces) and as someone who grew up in the '90s, I'm obligated to mention Harry Potter.
Favorite piece of art? I'm sorry to be cheesy, but nature. Yosemite, Zion, Krka national park in Croatia, the reefs off of Belize — I've traveled to places that are crazier than any painting or sculpture could be.
Favorite past time? Walking, hiking, running. I find both energy and peace in being outside, and exercise is something I find empowering both mentally and physically. In the moment, it can be difficult or monotonous, but I never, ever regret it.
What’s the best advice you’ve received? When I was growing up, my parents never focused on what my grade was or how I performed in that week's soccer match. Wether I was elated at a success or crushed by a failure, they always asked me if I felt that I had given my best effort. If the answer was yes, everything else was (generally) irrelevant. Giving my best effort and being able to stand behind my accomplishments will always be more valuable to me than any number or score.
What does balance mean to you? Balance to me is about embracing imperfection and prioritizing the things that make me happy. I'm not good at saying no, but personal time — alone time — is so important to me. I definitely draw my energy from time outdoors, time by myself, and time moving my body.
What’s your favorite AUrate piece? The Diamond Stacker Ring — simple and great for layering.
Three guilty pleasures you're loving this summer: Lazy weekends, mezcal margaritas, and wearing tie-dye 24/7.